2020 Ph.D. in Geological Sciences, Arizona State University
2015 B.S. in Environmental Geosciences, cum laude, University of Notre Dame
2024-Present Staff Scientist, Nuclear and Radiochemistry Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
2022–2024 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Nuclear and Radiochemistry Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
2020–2022 Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Earth and Planets Laboratory
Supervisors: Dr. Richard Carlson and Dr. Conel Alexander
• Isotopic analyses of bulk meteorites and their individual components (TIMS and MC-ICPMS)
• Isotopic analyses of Ryugu asteroid samples (TIMS)
• Development of chemical separation methods for sample-limited, contamination-sensitive meteorite and asteroid samples
2015–2020 Graduate Research Associate, Arizona State University
Advisor: Prof. Meenakshi Wadhwa
• PhD Dissertation: Early Solar System Processes and Parent Body Relationships Recorded by Cr and Ti Isotopes in Meteorites
• Isotopic analyses of meteorites and their components (MC-ICPMS)
• Isotopic analyses of meteorites and their components (MC-ICPMS)
2014 Intern, LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
Lunar and Planetary Institute and NASA Johnson Space Center
Advisor: Dr. David Mittlefehldt
2013–2015 Undergraduate Researcher, University of Notre Dame
Advisor: Prof. Antonio Simonetti
• Developing nuclear forensics methods for source attribution of nuclear devices
2020 Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowship, Carnegie Institution for Science
2019 Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology
2023 Asteroid (34585) Torrano
2022 Elsevier Travel Award ($1,500)
2020 ASU The College Graduate Excellence Award
2020 Nininger Student Travel Award ($1,000)
2019 Planetary Studies Foundation Travel Award ($1,000)
2018 Honorable Mention, Nininger Meteorite Award
2018 ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Graduate Excellence Award
2018 Nininger Student Travel Award ($1,000)
2017 Barringer Crater Company Travel Award ($1,000)
2017 Nininger Student Travel Award ($1,000)
2015 Rev. Alexander Kirsch, C.S.C Award, University of Notre Dame
2014–2015 E. and M. Cantwell Scholarship, University of Notre Dame
2011–2014 University Scholarship, University of Notre Dame
2021–present Peer Reviewer for Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, JGR-Planets
2023 Panel Chair, NASA Review Panel
2021, 2022 Panelist, NASA Review Panel
2021 Travel Awards Committee, 84th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
2020-present External Reviewer, NASA Review Panels
2019 Executive Secretary, NASA Review Panel
2018 Executive Secretary, NASA Review Panel
2015–2016 ASU School of Earth and Space Exploration Graduate Student Council
2022 Carnegie Earth and Planets Laboratory Seminar Series
“Isotopic Compositions of Refractory Inclusions in Meteorites: Tracers of Early Solar System Processes”
2022 Geological Society of Washington
“Refractory Inclusions in Meteorites: Tracers of Early Solar System Isotopic Reservoirs”
2021 The Open University, Cosmochemistry Research Group
“The relationship between CM and CO chondrites: Insights from Ti, Cr, and O isotopes”
2020 University of Maryland, Department of Geology Seminar
“Cr and Ti Isotopes as Tracers of Early Solar System Processes and Parent Body Relationships”
2020 Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration Colloquium
“Isotopic investigations of meteorites: using forensic tracers to unravel the mysteries of our early Solar System”
2017 TA, Introduction to Geology II Lab, Arizona State University
2017 TA, Intro Geology II (Historical), Arizona State University
2016 TA, Introduction to Geology I Lab (solo taught 3 lab sections), Arizona State University
• Handling and processing contamination-sensitive samples in a metal-free cleanroom
• Method development for chemical separation and purification of Cr, Ti, and Mg from various matrices including bulk meteorites, calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions, and chromite grains
• High-precision Cr, Ti, and Mg isotopic measurements using the Thermo Neptune MC-ICPMS
• High-precision Cr and Pb isotopic measurements using the Thermo Triton TIMS
• Measurement of major and trace element concentrations using the Thermo iCAP-Q ICPMS
• Elemental mapping and quantitative spot analyses using the JEOL JXA-8530F Field Emission Electron Probe Microanalyzer
Meteoritical Society, Geochemical Society